Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Chicken Emerges

Has it REALLY been over a year and a half since I started this blog??? My goodness, how time flies! It has taken me 15 minutes just now to figure out how to do a new post...and does anyone know if there's spellcheck somewhere on here? Anyway, I have to be honest, it's not just that I've been super busy - which I have. It was more that I sort of got intimidated by the fact that other people might be reading what I write, so it was easier to just do nothing. I know, doesn't really sound like me. Maybe those demons from being kicked out of BYU years ago leaving me feeling stupid haven't completely gone away. But alas, that is a story for another day.

Thanks to the urging of a dear friend (thanks Gemia - if this backfires, you're dead!), I am going to be brave and put myself out there.

There are a few main thoughts swirling around in my head at present. One is about being a mother, and the other is about personal finances. Both monumental topics to attack, but worth a try I suppose.

I'm going to stick to the motherhood topic today. Let me start with the good and the pure and then we'll get to the good stuff. I understand that being a mother is an ENORMOUS blessing and a privilege. I understand that I am truly, truly blessed to be a mom with a wonderful, supportive husband to boot. I love my kids with all my heart and would do anything in this world for them. I understand how lucky I am to have been blessed to be able to bear children and raise them and stay at home with them. I get it - I really, really do!

The thing I feel that is greatly lacking is the honesty about what it's REALLY like to be a mother. It's as if people feel that if they talk about the tough side of being a mom that somehow they are either complaining or that they don't appreciate their divine calling of motherhood. I must admit, I'm slightly bitter that no one warned me about how hard it was going to be. What's the matter with this picure??

I couldn't more strongly disagree! If we all just pretend that everything is perfect, that every day is a bliss-filled adventure with our perfectly dressed and perfectly behaved children, it leaves us all feeling inadequate. We secretly think that we are a lousy mother and that everyone else is better at it than we are. We feel alone in our struggles and alone in our guilt over not being better at such an amazing life calling.

I, for one, am DONE feeling that way. One of my new goals for the new year is to become a better mother, which I feel that I am ALWAYS trying to do. But more importantly for me this year, to try to be more accepting of who I am including my imperfections. I'm not suggesting walking around being negative. What I'm suggesting is some REAL HONESTY. Why don't I ever hear that raising kids is the most difficult thing I have ever done, or that motherhood can be the most frustrating, gut wrenching, mind numbing thing in the world?

I believe that being a mom of small children is easier for some women than others. Some women I have met have a natural disposition that makes them adapt more easily to the rigors of little ones. Well, good for them, but that is most definitely NOT ME!

I taught first grade for three, very long years. It was extremely tough for me. I also taught high school for three years, and while it is challenging, I really connected with those kids. I love the young women I work with at my church to bits and believe that I will be more naturally inclined to be better with older children. But for me, that is a ways down the road and for now, my reality includes little ones. They are cute and funny and like to be rocked at night. I love the way they see the world and the light in their eyes when they finally figure something out. They are amazing and difficult all at the exact same time. But let's go there. Let's get down and dirty and discuss what's hard. Ready? Here we go!

I have a really hard time getting anything done and it frustrates me to my WITS END. I can never start something and finish it, because I'm interrupted over and over again every 1-2 minutes because someone needs something from me. It takes me 3 hours sometimes to start a load of dishes and at least an hour or two to get everyone out the door in the morning. This all depends on whether or not I indulge in the luxury of taking a shower first. Anyone else feel selfish for taking a shower or fixing your hair?? Never mind any make-up, don't even think it.

Our house is constantly a complete mess, due to the lack of me getting anything done as stated above. I hate messes. I look around the house feeling completely defeated as the mess grows bigger and stickier. It feels like a constant reminder that I am not enough. Surely, everyone else's houses are cleaner than mine...

I have stopped even trying to write a "To Do" list because it would take up too much of my precious time to write it, little own do anything on it. Not to mention it would be too long and too overwhelming anyway. I just concentrate on putting out fires - what needs to be done TODAY? The rest of it just falls into the abyss of tasks that have never, and will never be completed.

I have also stopped scrapbooking. For those of you who know me well, you know that it is my one hobby. The one thing that I enjoy when I have time to myself and energy to do anything besides lay on the couch and stare at the television. But alas, it is not going to happen for a few more years so I might as well accept it. But I sure do miss it.

One last thing. I can't stand how the sound of my voice has become like white noise to every member of my family. I talk and no one hears me. It has gotten to the point that I have to yell, pull hair, stomp my feet or clap my hands to get anyone to acknowledge anything I have to say. Otherwise, it's like Charley Brown's teacher....."wa wo wa wo waa wooooo"......And at the same time, the kids get louder and louder each and every day.

Anyway, there's a few for you to start with. It does feel good to get some of this out into the universe. I know I have it good, but that doesn't mean it's not hard, at least not for me. Some days I am more happy than I deserve, and some days I want to run away from home. Don't worry, I'd come back eventually, after a few days of peace and quiet. Ahhh.....sounds like heaven!


  1. You should be scrapbooking, or something! I don't know what I'd do without my hobbies...
    And yeah, it took me forever to read this with the 80+ interruptions!!
    I'm so glad you posted!

  2. YEAH! You go girl, it feels good huh. I am in the middle of two loads of laundry, my wet hair is soaking by shirt, which is just temporary because My underthings are in the drier and I have to meet someone in 20 mins,hope they get done, I should check on the girls but I gave them a bag of pretzels and a cd book so I should have another 2 mins., my sink is full of dishes, no Christmas cards have been done, but we did get a decorate a tree this weekend, barley squeaked that it, anywhoo in the middle of all this I wanted to take the time to tell you that I have always always always admired who you are and the woman you strive to be. Keep up the good work cause I need good hubbies for my girls!

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Perfectly descibes it.

    I complain about motherhood often...most of my kid fb posts, but I've learned to do it in an entertaining way.

    You should read my blog, that I haven't posted in in nearly a year.

    If it makes you feel any better, I'm still in my pjs at 3:30 pm, not shower, not ready in ANY way, I have a load of dishes on the counters, a load on the dining table, the floor is disgusting! But the gate keeps the twins out of that area. There are at least 8 loads of laundry scattered on the laundry floor, though the 5 hampers are nearly empty. And I have at least 2 loads on my bedroom floor, twins have 2 loads, Elly has probably 4 loads on her floor, lance has a couple on his floor and I'm sure Ean has one. ALL the bedding needs to be washed but that's at least 8 more loads so it isn't going to happen. The box of fish crackers that were dumped and smashed into the living room rug this morning were finally vacuumed up. I haven't started Christmas yet and I'm quickly running out of time. Cards/letters won't be done AGAIN. The sectional needs the carpet cleaner taken to it for about a month and it's been on my to do list for 2 weeks solid, yet I lack the motivation. I have time to do everything I need to, I just don't want to.

  4. Lora, thanks for your honesty. ;) I have many a morning (when Kylonna won't get up and I end up yelling and screaming) when I wish I could run away from home. Being a mom is rewarding, but it's a tough job. I'm glad you get to stay at home with your little ones. :) I hope someday I will get to stay home as well. HUGS!

  5. Thanks gals. It is nice to hear from those who can relate! I sure wish moms would talk about this stuff more often. I have had the best day today because I was able to get all of those pent up thoughts OUT!! :) And Timani, I know what you mean. By the time you actually have time to get something done, most of the time you just don't want to at that point!!

    Lindsay, I know. I keep thinking about scrapbooking and it makes me sad that I don't do it anymore. How in the world do you pull off your hobbies? I'm so exhaused at night I can't bring myself to work on it. I have a hard time letting myself do it during the day when there are a million other things that need to be done. So I end up not doing it at all. What's your secret??

    Mia, you crack me up! And you make me feel oh, so normal! Thank you so much for your comment! I know a lot of days we're hanging on by a thread but at least we're hanging on!! Let's start planning the weddings! :) ha!

  6. Every mother who has ever lived, hears you. We all understand completely. It IS the hardest job because there is NO escape. Once that child pops out of your womb, you are enslaved - emotionally and physically. Even if you can tear yourself away for a few quiet hours, your mind is still locked in. Nothing can bring you more joy, or more grief than your child. This is one reason I could not have had a LOT of children. I couldn't emotionally handle the risk of handing over so much power to so many people. Your children do hold power over your peace of mind. And you never get that power back. As long as you love them, they will always have that power.

    Here is a lesson I have learned recently. Parenting is the one greatest lessons in our goal of exaltation. The Celestial Kingdom is all about service. We don't do service to earn our way there. We do service to practice what we will DO there. That's ALL we will do there. Is there anything God does other than serve us? We are His work and His glory. Just as you serve your children and they are your work and glory. It's all a pattern of what is to come and what has always been.

    As I have said before, it gets easier. The load will lighten and the exhaustion will decrease. Gradually. And as you watch those amazing creatures to whom you gave birth grow into adults, you will actually miss the little people who no longer exist. You will crave a few minutes with them again. There will be guilt - we ALL have it - and you will marvel that they survived their imperfect mother. Vent all you need. We hear you.

  7. Ah, thanks so much Brenda. I appreciate all of that more than you know. It's very nice to hear from someone who is further down the road than I am and has a bit more perspective.

    Thanks everyone for not judging me harshly....I was a little worried! I actually have felt much better the past few days after reading your supportive comments. :)

  8. Its like you copied right out of a journal entry of mine! Wait... I haven't kept a journal... if I had a journal... Just add it to the list of things I wish I did! :)

    I also appreciate your honesty. I really like hearing about other mom's bad days because it reminds me that we all feel the same way. Its not that my kids are monsters - they're just kids. And the longer I get to know you, the more I realize that we are really similar! The older the kids get, the easier they are for me too. I'm not one to get down on the floor with them and do kid things. I wish I was, but that's not my personality.

    Being a mom is the HARDEST thing I've ever done. Especially being a mom to Nate. He and I are so different in personality. Since day one, its been a struggle for me to accept him (how's that for brutal honesty? What mom doesn't love and accept their own child?!) Its been a long, hard road and I still find myself wishing he were more like "this" or less like "that". I feel like I constantly criticize him. Ugh! BUT, looking back I see now that I've become a lot less selfish over the last 5 1/2 years. Oh I'm still selfish, but I'm improving because of him.

    I try and picture us moms as stones in a river. As we fall into this river of motherhood, some of us (including me at the head of the list!) start out pretty jagged. Then as we drift through the daily monotony of endless picking up, ordering around, correcting, consoling, conspiring, listening to, reminding of, being patient with, that is "being a mom" - we are shaped and smoothed out. Our imperfections are rubbed away. Its not an easy, pain-free process. There are crashes and collisions, heart-aches and head-aches. But each bump brings us closer to who we're meant to be. I heard a talk by Elder Packer that has stuck with me. Paraphrasing it, he said that it is so much easier for women, specifically mothers, to get into heaven because we go through the refiners fire daily as we daily take care of our children and families. It is non-stop service. And service is the key to getting us back to our Father in Heaven. Now as I'm burning with fury at my kids and trying to swallow the rage that's inside me every time they do something I think they shouldn't, its hard to remember such things. Its usually at night when its quiet and I've had a break from them that I'm able to put things back in perspective.

    So hang in there! Know that every time you have a hard day, I'm probably having one too. : ) Thanks for having the courage to write about it!
